Monday, August 29, 2011

Herb Garden Updates- 2 weeks on...

Two weeks on from planting these tiny little seeds, we have little sprouts of basil, oregano and chives!!! I'm so excited that my herbs have started to grow. Just to let you know what I did, I soaked the seeds in water for a couple of hours prior to planting them. Here I've used potting mix (this is all I found in our shed), and I did a little bit of reading online and found that potting mix is good in terms of airflow and keeping them hydrated. To plant the seeds all I did was sprinkle them throughout the pot and then put a thin layer of mix over the top of them, I watered them and then put cling wrap around the top of the pots and left them in the sun. The cling wrap acted like a greenhouse and each day I watered them slightly just to keep the moisture in the pot. It was a good thing I used the cling wrap because that night after planting them it rained for a few days and they would've drowned, so the cling wrap helped protect my herbs.

One week after planting I saw little sprouts of the basil and then the oregano, it was only a few days ago that the chives had sprouted. These pictures were taken today, so this is day 13 of my herb garden. Stay tuned to see how they grow in the next couple of weeks.


 Basil- up close and personal



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