Friday, March 30, 2012

Review of TommeeTippee

When I was pregnant with Charlie I got the TommeeTippee Closer to Nature Manual Breast Pump from Target (seen in picture). I used it regularly as Charlie had allergy issues that we were trying to figure out and we travelled to Japan for 3 weeks when he was 5 months old and I still wanted him to have the benefits of breast milk while we were away. After having used it for more than a year the top of the handle piece had melted in the microwave when we were on holiday. As for why it happened I'm not entirely sure, maybe the microwave was too hot or there wasn't enough water in the container. Anyway I was a little shocked it happened as I have used it many times previously and never had a problem with it. I took the product back to Target to get an exchange but because it was more than a year ago and I didn't have the receipt any longer they couldn't do anything for me. My husband suggested that I contact TommeeTippee directly and see if they could send me a replacement part. 

Many months had passed and finally I got the courage to call yesterday, 1- because our baby is due in less than 10 weeks and 2- I didn't want my pump to go to waste as I had got the extra bottles, teats and lids for the system. When I called the number a really nice lady answer the phone straight away, it was nice to not have to go through a series of automated messages. I explained to her briefly what had happened and that Target couldn't do anything for me because it was more than a year ago and I didn't have a receipt. The lady immediately said that they would send me a replacement part and got all my details. I was surprised it went so smoothly and I didn't have to "put up a fight" for my case. When I got home later this evening there was my express post parcel from TommeeTippee with a whole new manual pump! I was just expecting to receive the handle part but instead they replaced the entire thing. I'm very pleased with my experience with TommeeTippee and suggest that if you have any troubles with any products just to give them a call. It was much easier than I thought it would be and in the end I got what I needed and they've kept a customer happy. 

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