I recently borrowed the Mother & Baby + Toddler magazine from our local library. Inside it had a very easy banana muffin recipe, one that I thought would be good to try making with my toddler. We did just a few things differently
3 large bananas
1/4 Cup white sugar
1 large egg yolk, beaten
1 tsp bicarb soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 3/4 Cup plain flour
1/2 Cup oil
1. Preheat oven at 180 degrees Celcius.
2. Mash together bananas & sugar.
3. Add beaten egg yolk
4. Stir in sifted dry ingredients, then add oil
5. Mix until ingredients combined.
6. Pour evenly into a greased 12-hole muffin pan or 24-hole mini-muffin pan.
Life as a Housewife and Mum
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Seafood Buffet, Icons Brasserie, Sydney Harbour Marriott
cold foods |
hot foods |
desserts |
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Star, Garden Buffet, Pyrmont

Friday, May 18, 2012
What goes in a hospital labour bag?
While I await the birth of our second child the thought of packing my hospital bag constantly stream through my mind. I can't really remember what I packed last time but I remember having everything I needed EXCEPT the mobile phone chargers! Both phones ran out of battery just after we sent the announcement and to add to the stress of not having charged phones, we had actually organised to pick up our new bed and washing machine that same morning. It was a little hectic trying to quickly pass on details to my in-laws. So second time around I'll hopefully have the phones charged and chargers packed! Let's hope it actually happens while we rush out of the house at some ridiculous hour.
Anyway here is a list of things I've included in my hospital/labour bag that I think will come useful.
Anyway here is a list of things I've included in my hospital/labour bag that I think will come useful.
Hospital papers (yellow card, birth plan if you have one written)
Medicare card
Lip Balm
Water bottle
Phone & phone charger
Camera & camera charger
Sports drinks (I think I drank 2 bottles after the first labour, it was the only thing that was palatable)
Snacks (for both you and your birth partner)
Thongs or slippers
Heat pack (for back pain especially during labour)
Stress balls (to use during labour)
Toiletries (shampoo/conditioner/body wash, tooth brush and paste)
Hairbrush, hair ties or clips
Flushable wipes (this is something I didn't have last time and I think it'll be really useful, as I remember in those early days I had to keep dampening the toilet paper so it wasn't so rough)
Make-up for photos (sounds like a good plan but I probably won't actually use it)
Make-up for photos (sounds like a good plan but I probably won't actually use it)
Comfy clothes for breastfeeding (keep the maternity pants out, there will still be a bump after the baby is out)
Going home clothes
Maternity bras & breast pads
Maternity bras & breast pads
Maternity pads (you'll need a lot of them)
Comfy undies
Pyjamas (button up ones are good, easy access for breast feeding)
Reading material eg. parenting magazine, breastfeeding books or baby name books (for those moments when bub is asleep & day time TV just doesn't do it for you)
Just a few tips you can prepare before going into labour that will make things a little easier when the moment arrives:
- create a group on your phone who you wish to notify of the birth of your baby, this way you don't need to spend lots of time selecting every aunt, uncle and cousin when you just want to give your new baby lots of cuddles & kisses
- since I have a toddler now making the dash to the hospital requires a little more planning and preparation as to who will mind the young child. I have arranged with mothers in my local mothers group to take care of Charlie until Nanna can come (she lives 45mins from us). So hopefully it all goes smoothly on the day
- discuss through your birth plan with your birth partner so you both have a clear understanding of how you would like things to be & pack for your birth partner eg. swimmers- if your having a water birth and it requires them getting wet. Another good advice I received, if you want your birth partner to deliver the baby make sure they're not in their favourite shoes, it tends to get messy when the baby comes out, we'll be packing a pair of crocs!
- on the topic of mess, keep a waterproof mat & towel in the car, you never know when your waters will break.

Sunday, April 1, 2012
My First Pretty Apron
I recently came across this blog, Modest Maven and it had a tutorial for making this really cute ruffled apron. I've always wanted a pretty apron & this one didn't look too hard to make so I had to give a go. Here is the finished product. It didn't take too long to make & I think it makes a great gift.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Review of TommeeTippee

Many months had passed and finally I got the courage to call yesterday, 1- because our baby is due in less than 10 weeks and 2- I didn't want my pump to go to waste as I had got the extra bottles, teats and lids for the system. When I called the number a really nice lady answer the phone straight away, it was nice to not have to go through a series of automated messages. I explained to her briefly what had happened and that Target couldn't do anything for me because it was more than a year ago and I didn't have a receipt. The lady immediately said that they would send me a replacement part and got all my details. I was surprised it went so smoothly and I didn't have to "put up a fight" for my case. When I got home later this evening there was my express post parcel from TommeeTippee with a whole new manual pump! I was just expecting to receive the handle part but instead they replaced the entire thing. I'm very pleased with my experience with TommeeTippee and suggest that if you have any troubles with any products just to give them a call. It was much easier than I thought it would be and in the end I got what I needed and they've kept a customer happy.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Nappy Clutch
I've recently started sewing again and decided to make myself a nappy clutch. With Charlie older and not needing to carry around that massive baby bag everywhere I go I wanted a compact way to carry around a couple of nappies and wipes in my handbag. I made the clutch so that it fits the Huggies wipe travelling case & several nappies (the nappy side expands to however many nappies you want to carry).
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
My VERY Easy Quiche recipe published!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
My Little Photographer
Every so often my little boy comes to me while I'm at my desk wanting to have a bash on my laptop, instead I pull out my camera and show him how to take photos. Anyway one day when I left him upstairs to play while I quickly did something downstairs, I came back to the room to find my camera on the floor. I didn't think too much of it as he always likes to pull things off my desk and it's my own fault for leaving things too close to the edge. The next day when I went to use my camera I found all these 'random' photos that I hadn't taken. So here are a few of his work.
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